Files in this dir: access: empty /etc/mail/access database (contains only comments how this database works and must be created). cron.hourly: Should be run via cron every hour or so to delete old adresses from /etc/mail/access.db. Uses db.c. db.1.85.tar.gz: Berkley db library. db-1.85.c: Small program to access Berkley db Version 1.85 library files. Compile with: cc db.c -odb -ldb1 You may need to use -ldb instead of -ldb1. db.c: Small program to access Berkley db Version 3 library files. Compile with: cc db.c -odb -ldb db_ndbm.c: db.c patched for Solaris NDBM Databases. doc/: Subdir with some more documentation (in german only, sorry). popa3d-0.5.1-smtp_after_pop-1.diff: smtp_after_pop-Patch for popa3d ( and Berkley DB 1.85. popa3d-0.5.1-smtp_after_pop-2.diff: smtp_after_pop-Patch for popa3d ( and Berkley DB 3. These are old patches for use with Berkley DB 1.85 and no longer maintained: qpopper-pop_pass.c.diff: smtp_after_pop-Patch for Qualcoms qpopper. You also need to add an "-ldb1" to the linkerflags within the makefile. wu-imap.diff: smtp_after_pop-Patch for the IMAP-Daemon from the Washington University.